Gateway Palms
There are 61 Mediterranean, ranch, s-tiled roofed, and pool homes inside Boynton Beach FL's all-age, pet-friendly, gated Gateway Palms HOA community. Homes have 2-4 bedrooms,2-2.5 baths, and run up to 3,192 in total square feet. Many homes have extensive patios, screened pools, fenced backyards, and lake views, creating the optimal arrangement for all year outdoor enjoyment. The community is designed around a quaint lake with a fountain. The picturesque landscape offers a serene backdrop for walking, jogging, and biking on the large lit sidewalks. Residents appreciate the friendly, neighborly atmosphere throughout the neighborhood. Find Gateway Palms in central Boynton Beach FL, slightly west of Military Trail, north of 22nd Ave, and 2.5 miles south of Lantana rd. (MAP)
Association Information
Mandatory HOA $225/per month
Maintenance fee includes lawn care, irrigation, common areas, basic Comcast cable, community pool & playground maintenance, liability insurance, office, maintenance supplies, security, CPA and legal fees as necessary
$185 application fee
Capital Contribution: $150 (One-time fee at closing to build up reserves)
HOA interview required
All ages
HOA Docs
Up to 2 common household pets
No lease first year of ownership, min 12-month lease, 1 lease per 12 months
No commercial vehicles, no truck/RV
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