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Beachdale Apartments is a small hidden gem near the coast in Fort Lauderdale. It presents a relatively affordable opportunity for 55+ buyers to live among opulent high-rises, waterfront dining, nature preserves at Hugh Taylor Birch State Park, and is a quick trip across the bridge into the heart of downtown. Constructed in the late 50s, the building contains 20 units across 2 stories. The complex features a lovely garden, pool, on-site laundry and assigned parking. Just steps from the Beachdale complex, the community has created a wonderful gathering area around a 1920's Art Deco art studio. Stroll through the gallery, attend yoga classes, sip a cappuccino in the green space or shop for artisanal wares in the market. 1 Bedroom units are 691sqft, and 2 bedroom units are 886sqft. Most units have been updated with high-impact glass, and modern appliances. The community is managed by Beachdale Apartments, Inc., which operates as a co-op. Please note that only cash offers are accepted. The corporation does not allow pets, and restricts parking to 1 passenger vehicle. For commuting, I-95 is under 5 miles to the west, and Fort Lauderdale International Airport is under 10 miles to the southwest.

Find Beachdale Apartments south of Sunrise Blvd, and west of the A1A. Entrance via Antioch Ave north of Terramar St. (MAP)

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