$ per month
Year Fixed. % Interest Rate.
Principal + Interest: | $ |
Monthly Tax: | $ |
Monthly Insurance: | $ |
8390 Sands Point Blvd #F209, Tamarac, FL 33321
Property Stats
Discover this charming condo nestled among a scenic golf course and canals, complete with inviting walking paths throughout the neighborhood. The 40-year inspection is complete, boasting a brand-new roof and nearly finished trendy gray paint, alongside fresh pavement. Enjoy the comfort of new central heating/air and a substantial remodel featuring two bedrooms and two full baths. Unwind year-round in your private, glass-enclosed Florida room. Located conveniently about 20 minutes from FLL airport, this quiet neighborhood offers numerous amenities, including a fitness center, tennis courts, a pool, common laundry on each floor, and an exquisite clubhouse. Suitable for all ages and investor-friendly, allowing immediate leasing.
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GFLR-Ft Lauderdale data last updated at December 18, 2024 8:57 AM ET