$ per month
Year Fixed. % Interest Rate.
Principal + Interest: | $ |
Monthly Tax: | $ |
Monthly Insurance: | $ |
2904 Victoria Pl #M3, Coconut Creek, FL 33066
Property Stats
"CORNER UNIT" with a "WATER VIEW"""MOTIVATED SELLER""" Parquet floors, updated kitchen, freshly painted. Ready for the new owner.This building is well maintained! FULL 40 YEAR CERTIFICATION COMPLETED. NEW ROOF! Wynmoor is a Beautiful 55+ Community with swimming pools, Country Club, big clubhouse with tons of activities, free community bus transportation, pharmacy, beautiful 18 hole golf course, 12 tennis courts, billiards, ping pong, fitness center, state of the art theater, restaurants, arts & crafts & more!MOVE IN FEE$250 PAYABLE TO ASSOCIATION (REFUNDABLE). (Annual income sale formula is: monthly maintenance + monthly property tax + monthly insurance + monthly mortgage (if applicable) X 12 X6). Cash buyers min Income: Monthly HOA + taxes + Insurance x 6 x 12 = min income.
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GFLR-Ft Lauderdale data last updated at December 4, 2024 7:16 PM ET