$ per month
Year Fixed. % Interest Rate.
Principal + Interest: | $ |
Monthly Tax: | $ |
Monthly Insurance: | $ |
2222 N Cypress Bend Dr #201, Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Property Stats
Cypress Bend Community has numerous daily living pluses as well as many active amenities. Set back from the main road the only way in or out which makes it more secure. The complex has assigned parking. The Protective Clubhouse has kitchen, gym, basketball area, library, outside tennis courts and pickleball court, pool, children playground and a great circular walking path. We pass the 30yrs. inspection included reserve. With outside camera and onsite unannounced car patrolling security. You can relax in a stress free environment. Nestled between tree lining sections and a manicured lawn, with a man made lake and canal. There is a bird sanctuary bringing serenity and natural life to a city area.
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GFLR-Ft Lauderdale data last updated at December 22, 2024 6:55 AM ET