$ per month
Year Fixed. % Interest Rate.
Principal + Interest: | $ |
Monthly Tax: | $ |
Monthly Insurance: | $ |
1431 S Ocean Blvd #78, Lauderdale By The Sea, FL 33062
Property Stats
The Palm Yacht and Beach Club, gated and private community. Water and marina views from villa #78 and dockage availability through the association with no fixed bridges to the ocean. This CO-OP 55+ community encompasses 27 acres, 99 individual homes, a marina, and 100' of private beach access with its own clubhouse and pool. The clubhouse is located across the street on the beach at 1438 S Ocean. This free standing villa #78 is a 2 bed &2.5 bath with marble floors, large living room and formal dining, enclosed patio and mesmerizing water views. The maintenance fee covers all exterior care and maintenance including roof repairs, gutter care, pressure washing, painting, lawn care, landscape maintenance, sprinkler repair, garbage, etc. Two pets allowed (up to 15lb each).
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GFLR-Ft Lauderdale data last updated at December 17, 2024 11:11 PM ET