$ per month
Year Fixed. % Interest Rate.
Principal + Interest: | $ |
Monthly Tax: | $ |
Monthly Insurance: | $ |
12303 Paseo Way, Cooper City, FL 33026
Property Stats
Reduced Cooper City home! Here's a little tropical Oasis in sought-after area, A+ Schools and more. Lovely pool home features much charm! You will want to make it your own.. All back doors look out over big beautiful yard, many types of foliage, and a saltwater pool which family and friends would love to enjoy! Floors are done in tasteful neutral tile and are consistent throughout. Formal living, dining room, separate family room flow into each other. Bedrooms are tucked away on their own side of the house. Exterior is fenced, features a privacy wall, which gives a secluded feeling while using this lovely yard for entertaining, barbequing, gardening, or just enjoying a quiet afternoon outdoors. Long driveway with room for Many cars and 2 car garage! Lot size close to 15k square feet!
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GFLR-Ft Lauderdale data last updated at December 28, 2024 10:59 AM ET