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Budgeting for a home purchase requires calculating your monthly income and expenses to determine how much can you comfortably afford.

  1. Add up all the income you bring in each month. If you take home $5,000 and your spouse takes home $4,000 each month. Your total monthly net pay would be $9,000.
  2. Multiply your monthly take-home pay by 25% to get a COMFORTABLE mortgage payment amount. If you take home $9,000 a month, your monthly house payment should be no more than $2,250. Keep in mind, many mortgages will let you take out loans upwards of 40%, but YOU are the decision-maker here, do you want to struggle to make your payments?
  3. Down Payment. Consider saving for a down payment of 20% because you’ll avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI). PMI is an extra cost added to your monthly mortgage payment, and it doesn’t go toward paying off your mortgage balance. PMI typically costs between 0.41% to 2.25% of the entire loan amount on an annual basis (depending on your credit score, loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, and debt-to-income (DTI) ratio). If 20% is out of reach make sure to ask how to get it taken off your loan when you reach 20%!


The absorption rate in real estate is the rate at which listed homes in a given market will sell over a defined time frame. To calculate the absorption rate:
1. Define a time frame, say one month.
2. Count the number of homes that sold over the past month. 
3. Divide the number of homes sold by the number of homes listed in the market.  For example, if 200 homes sold in Boynton Beach in 30 days, and 300 homes are currently listed, the absorption rate would be 66%. 
4. To calculate the months supply of inventory, divide the number of homes currently listed by the homes sold.  300/200=1.5.  Therefore the market would have 1.5 months of inventory.  This means that a home seller in Boynton Beach that prices his or her home according to market value could expect to sell their home within one and a half months.   
It is best to calculate the absorption rate for similarly priced homes since different price ranges tend to sell at different rates.


Be sure to shop around for a mortgage to get the best rate and terms.  There are many different types of lenders and loan products to choose from.  We usually recommend starting with a mortgage broker because they are intermediaries between you and lenders and can help you find the best possible deal.  You have 45 days to shop for a mortgage without impacting your credit with multiple credit checks.


The absorption rate in real estate is the rate at which listed homes in a given market will sell over a defined time frame.   A community can be defined as a neighborhood, city, zip code, county, or metropolitan statistical area.  This important statistic will help you figure out how long it will take to sell your home under current market conditions.
Absorption Rate= # of existing Homes sold during a defined timeframe ÷ # of homes currently listed for sale